Tips for Potty Training Your Pets

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Tips for Potty Training Your Pets

It is always a fun and exciting day when you bring a new pet home. Whether it’s a small puppy or a little kitten, they are a new addition to your family.

However, pets do not function like humans, especially young puppies and kittens. They have no idea where they are, what they should do, which parts of the house are inaccessible, and where to pee or poop. Your new pet will need to be potty trained.

As the owner, you will need to be very patient through this process. Getting angry at your pet does no good. Pets cannot connect a certain action to the emotion that is triggered. It is best, and most effective, to remain calm, loving, and patient.

Here are a few tips to make the potty training process a little easier:

  • Research the breed of your pet. Every breed has a different size of bladder. For example, Chihuahuas have a small bladder so accidents can still happen even if they are fully trained. Moreover, do not expect a 2-3 week old kitten or a 5-6 week old puppy to be able to understand and learn potty training with ease.
  • When your new pet enters your house, introduce it to only those corners and spaces of the house where they are allowed.
  • Keep an eye on your pet. Look out for behaviors that may indicate them wanting to pee or poop. A few signs that may indicate your pet wanting to go to the bathroom may be sniffing around in corners, fidgeting, whimpering, scratching, circling, etc.
  • Interrupt accidents. If you catch your pet in the act of peeing or pooping on the floor, either clap loudly or say ‘NO’ loudly. This will indicate to your pet that what they are doing is wrong. Punishing your pet is unethical. You’ll only be teaching it to fear you and they’ll start doing their business in corners where you cannot reach them.
  • Choose an appropriate area for your pet to pee or poop in and put a pee pad there. Make your pet familiar with the spot and pee pad. Every time they have an accident, pick them up and put them down on the pee pad. Once they pee on the pad, they’ll get familiar with it as the pad will now have the pet’s scent.
  • It is very important to praise your pet for doing its business in the appropriate place. Reward it with a treat, a pat or scratches. Use a happy tone of voice to express positive emotion. Your pet will pick up on your tone and it will be encouraged to pee in the same place.

We hope that these tips help you get through the potty training phase with less difficulty. For any more information on caring for your new addition to the family, make an appointment with All Creatures Veterinary Center today!

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