Orthopedic surgeries in pets

Orthopedic surgeries in pets address injuries and conditions affecting the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Here is a list of common orthopedic surgeries performed on pets:

Bone Fracture Repairs

  1. Internal Fixation: Use of plates, screws, or pins to stabilize and repair fractures.
  2. External Fixation: Use of external frames and pins to stabilize fractures.
  3. Intramedullary Pinning: Insertion of a metal rod into the marrow cavity of a bone to stabilize fractures.

Joint Surgeries

  1. Total Hip Replacement (THR): Replacement of a diseased or damaged hip joint with a prosthetic joint.
  2. Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy (FHO): Removal of the femoral head and neck to alleviate pain from hip dysplasia or arthritis.
  3. Elbow Dysplasia Surgery: Correction of developmental abnormalities in the elbow joint.
  4. Luxating Patella Surgery: Realignment of the kneecap to correct patellar luxation.
  5. Arthroscopy: Minimally invasive surgery using a camera and instruments to diagnose and treat joint conditions.

Ligament and Tendon Surgeries

  1. Cruciate Ligament Repair: Surgical repair of torn cranial cruciate ligaments (e.g., TPLO - Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy, TTA - Tibial Tuberosity Advancement).
  2. Patellar Tendon Repair: Repair of ruptured or damaged patellar tendons.
  3. Achilles Tendon Repair: Repair of torn or ruptured Achilles tendons.

Spinal Surgeries

  1. Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) Surgery: Removal of herniated or degenerated intervertebral discs to relieve spinal cord compression.
  2. Laminectomy: Removal of part of the vertebral bone to relieve pressure on the spinal cord.
  3. Spinal Fusion: Stabilization of the spine using bone grafts and hardware to fuse vertebrae.

Developmental and Congenital Conditions

  1. Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) Surgery: Removal of loose cartilage fragments and smoothing of joint surfaces.
  2. Angular Limb Deformity Correction: Surgical correction of abnormal bone growth causing limb deformities.
  3. Hip Dysplasia Surgery: Various procedures to correct or alleviate pain from hip dysplasia, including juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS) and triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO).

Other Orthopedic Procedures

  1. Bone Grafting: Use of bone grafts to promote healing in fractures or bone defects.
  2. Amputation: Removal of a limb due to severe trauma, cancer, or other irreversible conditions.
  3. Arthrodesis: Surgical fusion of a joint to alleviate pain and stabilize the joint.

Meniscal Surgery: Repair or removal of damaged meniscus tissue in the knee.

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